In The Shadows – Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction photo Prompt!

Hello all !

As always life here is very hectic. I don’t know why I think it will ever be any different, but I can hope. However, it is that time of the week where I get to see what photo prompt our wonderful hostess Rochelle Wisoff-Fields has picked for us. And what a fab photo it is! i had lot’s of ideas for this weeks flash fiction, but this is what I settled on.

I hope you enjoy it!

PHOTO PROMPT © Stephen Baum

PHOTO PROMPT © Stephen Baum

In the Shadows.

   By Heidi Busby Brown.

The underpass looms ahead, the street light casts an orange glow before melting into the shadows.

I shouldn’t be here.

            ‘Please don’t…’ A voice calls out from the dark.

            The sound of my footsteps echo around me as I race forwards.

 A woman lies crumpled and beaten on the dirt floor. Kneeling down next to her I see a knife handle protruding from her stomach.

I notice her eyes widen, staring over my shoulder.

I tense, my fingers grasp the smooth handle.

I’m yanked backwards, she grunts as the momentum pulls the knife free.

I swing round aiming high, my arm shudders as the knife meets its mark.

 ‘I’m sorry.’

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in, counting to five, release to five.

It’s been two years since I saved the woman and murdered a serial rapist/ killer.

I’m a hero.

I pull the new switch blade out of my coat pocket.

Then I wait in the shadows, just as my Dad taught me.


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read my offering for this week. Feel free leave a comment, I love to hear what you think!

If you would like to join in or read more flash fiction from the Friday Fictioneers click on the blue frog below. I promise you won’t be disappointed !


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