Who am I ?

Who am I ?

Personal background: I’m a wife, a mother to three beautiful girls and one strange dog called Lola. I was diagnosed with a genetic condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type three, along with all three of my daughters. My eldest is Autistic and the other two are on the waiting list to be assessed. They all have Sensory Processing disorder and Autonomic Dysfunction and multiple allergies and intolerance’s, (I hate cooking!)

A lot of my time is spent running round like a headless chicken as I dash between appointments and meetings for all three. When I’m not writing, I can be found acting, dancing and singing. Β I am proud to be a member of Mad Cow Productions and am currently in a musical, The new Half a Sixpence – Kipps.

Am I writing?

Looking back, I would have to call myself a closet writer. I’ve always had a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other, scribbling down everything that happened in my ‘dairy’. Don’t laugh, it took me ages to realise I was misspelling diary, I still cringe at the thought of me writing,’dear dairy’ every day for two years.

I loved writing short stories and I spent a lot of time writing scripts. When I wasn’t reading or writing I was acting, singing and dancing as part of a youth theatre. The only problem was, that I never showed anyone what I wrote.

I am writer…hear me roar, quietly, as I’m in the middle of editing and I need to concentrate.

Since then I have been dragged by the scruff of my neck out of the closet by my friends and family. I have finished a TV script, co written with my childhood best friend Cheryl McCullough and we have become partners in everything fiction related. Our next project is underway in the form of an online platform dedicated to everything story. (StoryIsland.co.uk – just in case you fancy keeping up with our progress.)

I still love to write short stories and have three on the go at the moment. I am also nearing the end of editing my first novel, which has been an amazing journey of self discovery. Who knew I could drink that amount of tea, whilst keeping the local bakery in business!

Through this blog I hope to share with you the roller coaster ride that is my life whilst writing.

So buckle up and enjoy the somewhat dysfunctional ride, with me and my family πŸ™‚

14 thoughts on “Who am I ?

  1. Hello Heidi the very best of luck with your writing and raising your lovely family. I was interested to read that you didn’t ever show anyone your work. I felt so naked and uncomfortable at the prospect of anyone seeing my work that I used to destroy everything I ever wrote or drew. I now draw a lot of pleasure from the love and support of my wife, children and friends who have encouraged me to get beyond that. It’s great that you found your voice and I feel inspired by your achievements so far keep up the good work.

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  2. Hi, Heidi. I’ve just finished reading a couple of your posts, and I’m very impressed with your writing. I would urge you to keep at it! The FF challenges are excellent, not only for your own practice, but for the great feedback. From both your spelling and header picture I’d say you were Briish. That coastline looks quite familar to me. I live in Nottinghamshire now, but am from Southport originally. I’ll look forward to reading more of your writing. πŸ™‚

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  3. Hello Heidi, fellow Friday Fictioneer, thanks for following my blog, I’m following right back. I’m very much in the writing closet, still, but I think to come out of it, I actually need to write something more than the FF drabbles. πŸ™‚ Looking forward to your posts. This way I’ll not miss the continuation of End of Days. πŸ™‚

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  4. Hi Heidi! Thanks for the follow! It brought me to your page, and I am moved by what I see here. I hope the EDS type iii isn’t too severe; I’ve heard about this syndrome, and I was worried to read about it.
    You sound as if you’re filled with joie de vivre, and that’s fantastic. All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi ! It’s my pleasure to follow you hun. We are a family of EDS (Zebras) Life can be very hard for me and my girls, but we know how to enjoy ourselves and how to always focus on the good things. Sense of humour is a must in this house lol! Thank you so much for following me back πŸ™‚

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