Wishful Thinking -Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction Photo Prompt!


Hello beautiful people!

It’s been a very long time since I was here and I’m not going to lie, I’m feeling very rusty. But I am back to have another go and I’m looking forward to reading some fabulous flash fiction!

As always, we are given our photo prompt by our wonderful Friday Fictioneer leader, Rochelle . The rules are to write a story in 100 words, using the photo prompt as inspiration.

So here is my attempt for this week.  I hope you enjoy it.:)


Wishful Thinking.

Connor throws his coin into the fountain.

He’s made his wish.

His little brother George pokes him with the plastic dinosaur, again.

Connor snatches the toy, holding it over the edge.

 Georges’ bottom lip quivers.

The dinosaur drops with a splash and then sinks.

 George leans over the rough stone.

With a little nudge, he tips.

 His cry is muffled by the water.

A hand on his back, pushing down.


His mother pulls George out of the water.

‘What the hell happened?’

‘He fell in.’

Conner’s parent’s glance at each other, then him.

They’re nervous.

They should be.

Word count: 99


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my offering! If you fancy reading some more stories from the Friday Fictioneers please click here,  you won’t be disappointed!

Thoughts and well wishes are with everyone xxx




I’m playing the part of Lady Punnet in this fantastic musical. To book tickets click here!

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