Cold-Hearted Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction Photo Prompt!

Hello all!

I hope you are well and ready for some more Flash Fiction. As always, we are given our photo prompt by our wonderful Friday Fictioneer leader, Rochelle . The rules are to write a story in 100 words, using the photo prompt as inspiration. :) I do apologise for my being behind with reading everyone’s work. I am hoping to catch up shortly.

So here is my attempt for this week.  I hope you enjoy it.

Copyright - Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

 Cold – Hearted.


Intricate patterns of ice cover the windows, blocking my sight.

Haunted by memories.

Lucien’s warm smile, stolen kisses, his confession of love.

I waited for him…but he never came.

The screams of terror…so much death…

My kingdom was brought to its knees, in a single night.

I hear the key twist in the lock as I wipe away my tears.

“You made the right choice Princess. It would have been cruel indeed, for such beauty and power to be wiped from the realm.”

I shudder as his lips graze my cheek.

“I’ve just got back Lucas, this had better be important…”

“Lucien?” I gasp.


Lucas smirks, “My fiancé, Adrianna…my little brother, Prince Lucien.”


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my offering! If you fancy reading some more stories from the Friday Fictioneers please click on the little blue froggy, you won’t be disappointed!

The Hollow

 19th-22nd October 2016

Mad Cow Productions present THE HOLLOW By Agatha Christie – THE HOLLOW is a classic English country house mystery, and rather a lot of fun.

An unhappy game of romantic follow-the-leader explodes into murder one weekend at The Hollow, home of Sir Henry and Lucy Angkatell.

With all the usual suspects assembled:  the jilted lover, mistress, wife, and of course, a butler. It is up to Inspector Colquhoun and Sergeant Penny to work out “whodunit!”

To book tickets at Theatre Severn Click here!

For more information about Mad Cow Productions click here!